Sparking Joy: A Fresh Start for the New Year Marie Kondo’s Best Tidying Tips for a More Organized Life

The Rock Safe Team | July 16, 2024 @ 12:00 AM

We’re all guilty of it. Accumulating stuff. Lots and lots of it. 

Whatever the reason, we gather…and we gather. Our children’s kindergarten crafts, that favorite old, super comfy, ratty t-shirt, a precious garage sale find…

Before we know it, we’re overflowing with things. Drawers, closets, cabinets, garages bursting at the seams. Ask yourself: how much do you really love that hand-knit sweater from your Aunt Martha? Do you really need five sets of bed sheets or a bazillion mismatched mugs? 

How do we stop this madness? Decluttering years of accumulation and creating an organized home and life doesn’t happen overnight. 

Be brave and roll up those sleeves. Thankfully, our favorite tidying expert, Marie Kondo, has a few tips to rescue us from our self- imposed chaos. 

Let’s just dive right into the first–and most challenging–phase. Decluttering. Marie’s “KonMari method” is deceptively simple. Hold or regard an item and ask yourself if it “sparks joy.” If yes, it’s a keeper; if not, part with it before you second-guess yourself and retrieve the item from the donation or trash piles. 

Next, find storage for the items you’ve chosen to keep. Marie’s motto, “the simpler, the better,” encourages repurposing inexpensive household items that double as convenient storage containers. Here are a few ideas:

⦁ Shoe, tissue, and chocolate boxes: helpful for storing craft or office supplies, rolled socks and underwear, and jewelry, among many other items. Just be sure to use square- and rectangular-shaped boxes rather than odd-shaped ones to maximize space;

⦁ Cereal boxes: create vertical storage for magazines, coloring books, and mail;

⦁ Food containers: great for storing Legos, makeup, and craft supplies

For seasonal, occasionally used, or bulkier items, perhaps consider securing a storage unit. 

Now for the fun–and definitely easier–part. Maintaining your beautiful, newly organized, clutter-free space. Get rid of expired products, food, and medications. Keep a donation bag in a closet and toss items in it as you go. Set a 15-minute timer for regular mini-decluttering sessions. Frequent, shorter sprints keep your space tidy and peaceful without much muss and fuss.  

Be proud of yourself. You’ve earned it! Just remember, small successes make for big ones. And just maybe, as you clear out what no longer sparks joy, you’ll discover older treasures buried in the back of your closet. 

Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy your more peaceful, serene life.